Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Checking in on the Idol

I really have enjoyed not watching American Idol this year. I will never watch a whole season ever again, but I checked in last night and I have a few thoughts. I thought I’d get them out on here.

When I watched Idol last year I saw each contestant develop as a singer and performer. No matter what someone starts as on Idol, if they stay on the show, it is nearly impossible not to improve. In the beginning, I heard how bad many of the contestants were. Since I knew how much they were improving throughout the show last year I was more and more impressed with each performer as the weeks went on (except Sanjaya of course).

I had heard that this year’s top 12 were one of the best groups ever and when I saw them sing last night I thought most of them were horrible. I wonder how bad last year’s contestants would have sounded if I just checked in once midway through the season? There’s no telling, but I doubt they would sound nearly as good as I thought they were last year after watching them from their humble beginnings to the final weeks of the show.

It is now more evident to me that American Idol becomes more of a popularity contest than a singing contest. It is just convenient, that at the end of the show the winner usually happens to be a decent singer.

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