Sunday, November 12, 2006


Ted Haggard’s admissions to sexual immorality and a part of his life “that is so repulsive and dark” that he has “been warring against it all of” his life have recently shed light into a part of his life that, up until two weeks ago, only a couple people knew about.

An incident like this, however awful or good, exposes many different approaches to sexuality within the church. I want to address one approach tonight: the approach that Haggard is a diseased and corrupted Christian who has made the "choice" to be homosexual, and it is now up to Haggard and friends to make him straight again.

That is a nice idea and all, but just if, along the way, Haggard comes out as a homosexual, it is paramount that that close circle of friends, and others among his community, don't treat his sexual orientation as a disease.

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