Friday, November 24, 2006

London - 21 Jan 06

21 January 06 - I wrote the following on the 20th, but didn't get it into the journal until the 21st. January 20, 2006, on the way to Bath. Green fields. Much different than back home. The sun is out and this place looks different. Farms are not too far away from the city. Another uncomfortable bus, but I manage to sleep most of the time. Bath is one of those quintessential British cities that you might only see in a movie. Every building has to be made out of Bath stone, a white stone that looks marvelous in the sun. The Roman baths are old, over 1000 years old if I am right. It is unbelievable to walk on those same paths the Romans did.
The Bath Abbey was finished in 1499. I paid ₤3 to have a look inside. It was well worth it. I still think the practice of burying people under the church floor is a little odd. I find it distracting, or would find it that way if I were worshipping there. I took many pictures of the abbey. Napped more on the way back. Managed a good hour of sleep.

Planes were stacked up like stairs coming out of Heathrow and a dark London. Duck and Dive for drinks last night. Slept until 12 and find myself on a bench in Hyde Park writing now with one good hour of sunlight left. I look forward to more light and a little warmer weather in the coming months. Going to walk for a bit more now.

Bath was one of the prettiest places I saw during my time abroad. Pictures don’t do it justice, but I included some anyway. Someone told me that part of The Libertine was shot in Bath, but I haven’t seen that movie.

I looked for a way around paying the ₤3 to get into the Bath Abbey. There is a sign right after you go through the front door that says the payment isn’t mandatory, but I would have just felt horrible walking past the nice old man by the collection tray. It really
was worth it though. The months never got warmer really. The media reported a lot on the late spring. At least by the time I left there were many more hours of daylight.

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