Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Gore passes the torch to Obama

A long time ago in a city far, far away someone once shared with me his concern that Gore could be the antichrist. This fear was shared with me and others, namely the young-ins in the back of my car, in all seriousness. It is hard to say exactly where this fanatical opinion stems from. However, it is clear that the mantle of antichrist is shifted from one Democratic front runner to the next. I confess though, in 2004 I didn’t hear anyone accuse Kerry of being the antichrist. That doesn’t mean though that in the private corners of the world people didn’t utter “Kerry” and “antichrist” in the same sentence. Perhaps Kerry wasn’t a legitimate enough threat, but Obama must be because I heard him being referred to as the next antichrist in a very public corner of the world…the coffee shop I work in. The person doing the preaching was, unfortunately, leading a Bible study in the book of Revelation.

He was leading a Bible study. That’s troubling. That is what has always been troubling. I’ve only heard antichrist accusations from people that presumably follow Jesus. I can’t get them to change, just like I can’t change the minds of people in Jesus Camp who preach that Harry Potter books and movies are products of the devil.

I can only pray that the next time a Christian says “Obama could be the antichrist”, they won’t be leading anyone.


Erik Haagenson said...
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Jarrod Renaud said...

I saw No Country for Old Men. Liked it a lot. Very captivating as you had said. I had to watch the last 10 minutes again to really absorb what 'Jones was saying.