Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Stream of Bryce

"President Bush doesn't care about black people." That is absurd. If the other guy won in November the same exact disaster would have occurred. The conditions would be the same too. It's a disaster because you cannot prepare for it. No matter what storm a country prepares for there will always be one out there that does away with any good strategy we might have had to save people. One thing would be different though if the other guy was in office, the rapper who uttered this on national television wouldn't have said that. He is just hopping on the bandwagon, by blaming Bush for things that are beyond his control. Yes, he is the President. No, he isn't God. I think it's clear that the response could have been faster, but only if we had envisioned a storm like this in the first place. You simply cannot be prepared for everything nature throws at you, no country is that capable. For what it is worth, Bush did apologize for all the faults in the government response, and unlike the dude on TV implied, Bush didn't sit back in his chair and not worry about saving Hurricane Katrina victims because most of them were black.

Now, on to more important matters. Have you ever had a dill pickle with a nice cold glass of milk? What? You haven't? Get off your butt and do it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

questionable logic....especially with the quick transition into the pickle/milk. even if kerry had been elected, he couldn't have done much worse than bush did. the truth is that this storm and the reprecussions of it WERE predicted and did NOT come as a suprise. and our response was piss-poor...and it's especially amazing that we had countries like india and nigeria (not exactly problem-free nations) offering US help. kanye was's not that bush doesn't care about black people. he just doesn't care about poor people. if that's not obvious to all at this point, then y'all need to sit down and seriously look at what happened, how it happened and why. no one is blaming bush for the hurricane...that was a force of nature. what people are blaming him for (both republicans and democrats...this shouldn't even be a partisan issue regardless) is that we looked like hapless halfwits, when we're supposed to be the richest and "best" nation in the world. if anybody thinks that we are all "safer" since 9/11, then there is some serious disillusionment circulating around (not that the 2004 election didn't already prove that...). not saying, again, that kerry was our savior. but there's no way he could be any worse than bush. bush not only makes serious blunders, but he acts like an asshole while doing so. there are third world countries that could have/would have handled this storm better than we did.