Friday, June 06, 2008

Today at Work

We dodged a tornado. A number of customers pointed out that there was a funnel cloud right above us. Indeed, there was, but nothing came of it. I was a bit disappointed. I had been hoping to dive under one of our very sturdy counters at the last minute as a huge tornado rolled over us. It wasn't so. Maybe next week?

More and more people at work are finding out by word of mouth that my unofficial last day is next Thursday. I haven't put in my two week notice or anything like that. I'm holding off on officially hanging up the apron. Anyway, I mention this because it is fun to gauge their reactions when they hear what I will be doing and then tell them I will be doing it for free. I understand their shock though. I realize I am in an extremely fortunate position to leave my job and go work for free for something I feel much more passionate about than coffee.

A customer came through the drive through and reminded me to "fill up" my gas tank because "oil is up 11 bucks a barrel today." I didn't really have a response, but he went on to tell me that "it is all China's fault" and that if I "see a China-men give him a hug" while he did a punching motion. He drove off chuckling. It was all very disturbing, I guess because he was very casual and open about his racism, which is always disturbing, but even more so when you encounter someone who is willing to say such absurd things out loud as opposed to silently harboring such things in a quiet, tucked-away part of their mind.

And that's it. Hillary endorses tomorrow at 12 ET. There is speculation that she will once again bring up the popular vote and how she is winning it. Let's hope not. Those calculations are misleading and if she brings up the numbers then, she will not earn back the dignity, that she stripped herself of on Tuesday night, for a very long time.

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