Friday, June 13, 2008

Searching for the Issues

I've been having a hard time staying interested in politics lately. The media has continued the discussion about irrelevant issues like the candidates' wives. I realize they will continue to discuss trivial things like that for the next five months and I am not quite ready to get pissed off about every little thing in the news again.

I wish by watching cable news programs I could be informed about the issues and the differences between the two candidates, which, I suppose, is now part of my job description.

TPM has a good post up today about the tax plans of McCain and Obama. They also link to this clip from CNN, in which they do some actual reporting. So read and watch if you care to know about the differences between the two.

I think it is worth mentioning that one expert said, after analyzing both tax plans, that they both lead to a greater national debt. Doh.

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