Monday, March 19, 2007

Blog On

I am sitting here in front of my computer thinking the words for a closing blog on blogging will come to me in a flash. They aren’t. Before I start a list of frustrations with the blog culture and rules that I wish were in place in the blogosphere, let me say that I love blogging. I am addicted to it. I think I will be publishing my own material online for a very long time. I am not about to stop.

Writer – an honorable title that you can’t give yourself. That is the way I have thought of the title and profession for a long time. For me, it takes more than a blog to make someone a writer.

Having a blog is a lot like having a MySpace page nowadays. I am not going to lie, that makes me want to cry.

In order to have a blog, one should be required to make the minimal investment in punctuation by capitalizing the first letter of every sentence.

You must invest in a blog. If months pass between blogs, have the decency to recognize that your blog is dead. Example: Collin Moore.

That is it. I wouldn’t want my thoughts on the blogosphere to influence anyone’s blogging, except for that punctuation rule. Since I have known what blogs were, they have been serious templates for thought, a medium to be respected and not a place to dumb down your writing and punctuation. If you want to do the latter, write in a journal, because if you have a blog, you want to be read, and people will be reading.

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