Friday, November 11, 2005

The Way of the Jersey-Chaser

You may find this a bit crude, but speaking bluntly is necessary. Here we go. While I sit at tables on Tuesday and Thursday nights I see a lot of people. The majority of the patrons fall into two categories: football players, or the jersey-chasers, which happen to be the dirtiest, easiest looking girls you could ever imagine.

It's no big mystery why the football players are there, it's a requirement for 99% of them to be vastly inferior in intelligence to the average college student. The jersey-chasers are their exact match on the female spectrum of intelligence--dumb as hell. I suspect that you could pick one person from each group and they could tell you of twenty people in the other group that they have slept with. So, the jersey-chasers aren't the only hos at study tables, there is the man-whore as well.

I just wanted to share this with you because no matter how much I am exposed to either group, I will never understand what is going on in their head. What do they think there existence is for? They really aren't stupid people either, they just don't have any wisdom or traditional values. I will be biased here and say traditional values are better than their values, unless you value syphilis, gonorrhea, genital herpes, sores, and warts.

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