Monday, January 26, 2009

The Fall of the Book

Shares of Borders closed at 0.53 on Friday. 

A local book chain is going out of business, closing its four stores in Milwaukee. But wait, two of them are going to be converted into independent bookstores that will soon be competing against each other. There is a little hope there.

Sad days for the book selling business.

Sad days for the book reading business too. I am not doing so well with my New Year's resolution. I didn't read at all while I was in Florida and even though I am almost to page 100 in The Grapes of Wrath it still has yet to pull me in that much. I have no choice though. Finish it I will, maybe not by January 31, but with time enough to read eleven more classics this year

1 comment:

Jarrod Renaud said...

saw slumdog this weekend on your recommendation. really good movie. we loved it