Monday, November 10, 2008

What do we do now?

"What are you going to write about now that the race is over?" My dad recently asked me. 

I am not sure. Maybe now, "Politics", won't be a label for every blog I write. There once was a time, I think. Just for fun though I went to the archives to see what I was blogging about this time of year in 2005, 2006 and 2007. 

On November 9, 2005, I was blogging about lack of direction (post-graduation), Ezra Pound's Cantos and Wyoming Football. Two days later I was blogging about my general dislike of Harry Reid. My thoughts on him haven't changed much. He just whines. 

This week in November 2006 I was blogging about the contents of my bookshelf and the midterm election that just finished up. Democrats made big gains in the House. Made no bit of difference, I point out. And Donald Rumsfeld was finally fired. I embedded this hilarious video:

And last November I was blogging about my health, but not near this date, just a few days out. To be precise, it was a little list on marriage, the writer's strike and a trial in Colorado.

So, I was blogging about politics in two of the last three years, circa November 10. Hmm.

Kate is making something delicious in the kitchen. I'm going to help.


Jarrod Renaud said...

thanks buddy:)

Jarrod Renaud said...

i'll get one done at work tomorrow