Sunday, January 28, 2007

Israel - 11 April 06

We did go to the beach again. The weather was great and so was throwing the Frisbee in the warm Mediterranean. We lay in the sun for a long time and watched an old man throw three different types of boomerangs. He is so good at getting them to come right back to him. He doesn’t have to take more than five steps away from where he stood, when he threw the boomerang, in order to catch it.

We went to a wedding party last night. It was fun, but awkward and a bit long at the end of the night. The groom, an Israeli, met the Belgian bride while they were both on vacation in Thailand. They were married in Cyprus because she is not a Jew. Guy told me that only Jews can get married in Israel. The bride and groom have the same birthday and they will now celebrate their anniversary on the same date.

Guy is at work again, but he will be home shortly. I emailed Kate, the parents and Aaron this morning. I perused The Guardian online and took a quick look at US news sites to get the top stories from over there.

As much fun as I am having over here I am still wildly anticipating my trip home. I will have to be patient once my long journey starts this Sunday.

There aren’t too many more awkward situations than attending a wedding where you only know one guest. I did a lot of standing around, tried to explain to people who the hell I was and why I am such good friends with an Israeli who I met swimming at the University of Wyoming. People stared blankly at me with intermittent, confused blinks. I would give another unsuccessful explanation.

“So you live in London?” “Where is Wyoming?” “Why were you swimming?” “How do you know the bride?” “How do you know the groom?”

More awkward explanation. More blank stares. Quickly trying to get out of the situation I would look over their stares and pretend like I saw a friend off in the distance. I would smile, wave and politely excuse myself so that I may go to…I don’t know…John, and catch up with him. I would slip in a, “but it was nice to talk with you” before I ran away.

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