Monday, October 02, 2006

Throwback Audio

When iTunes updated itself to 7.0 the other day it searched far and wide on my hard drive for every audio file that it could include in my music library. While the computer was slowly thinking I had left the desk and when I got back my library had many more songs than it had had before the update. Confused, I scrolled down to the bottom of the library to find professional wrestling quotes, Star Wars audio clips, and MIDI versions of my favorite video game music--gosh, I am such a dork.

I can explain. If you are a regular reader of this blog you know that I used to be a huge professional wrestling fan when I was a sophomore in high school. I watched five hours of wrestling a week on television. I can't take those hours back. I know, it is awful. Anyway, when I wasn't in front of the TV watching wrestling I was downloading wrestling theme songs and quotes from over the top wrestling staples like Ric Flair, Macho Man Randy Savage, and Scott Hall.

About the Star Wars quotes, I am a nerd. Are you familiar with Triumph, the insult comic dog? He ridiculed and made fun of fans in line for the premiere of Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones. You can view the clip here: The great thing is, or the sad thing depending on which way you look at it, I can relate to some of the people in line. The clip is absolutely one of the funniest things. You must take the time and watch it. My Star Wars obsession is still alive and, like the wrestling obsession, I used to spend a lot of time looking for Star Wars quotes online. Among my favorites is Han Solo's quip at Chewbacca, "Laugh it up, Fuzzball." Also, Darth Vader's ultimatum, "Join us, or die." And, Princess Leia's comeback, "Why you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking, nerf-herder."

I used to play a plethora of video games and found the music in some games quite pleasant to listen to. The next logical thing to do was to search for MIDIs created by other Zelda fanboys. I ended up keeping some.

These songs and the other audio clips made the transfer from my old computer to the one I have now. I had forgotten about them until iTunes found them on the C drive. I have revisited all of the clips and songs. I came across one in particular that is priceless. It is a quote from Kevin Nash, a professional wrestler. Nash is speaking seriously to his competitors in this speech. Pay attention to what Nash thinks is an adjective. I will leave you with his exemplary string of words.

"This is where the big boys play, uh? Look at the adjective, play. We ain't here to play."

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