Saturday, May 20, 2006

Get This Lady A Walker

LANG 3115 - Trails of 3 Cities - I paid attention in this class. I received good marks on the tests and papers. However, I never figured out why this course had such a dumb name. We studied Japanese and Chinese culture over the fifteen week semester, but never once did we talk about three specific cities.

The professor was an old French lady. She despised the U.S. I expected her to fall over and croak everyday. She never did. Actually, she is still teaching. She can't see above her steering wheel but she drives a yellow Suzuki Sidekick anyway. I remember a few times I saw her walking across Prexy's Pasture and I had to stop. It was an amazing feat, how long she took to cross that grass. The time seemed to amount to a whole class period. So, for each class period she had to have devoted three hours of her time. One to get there, one to teach, and one to get back to where she started. Where she started was only the parking lot so I would tack on another twenty minutes both directions for driving--which in Laramie is an eternity. Plus, you have to factor in the stops she might have made in her office. Pretty soon the whole day is all gone, simply to teach a one hour class on how great the East is, and how the West has got it all wrong. You can't expect much different from a crabby, old French lady.

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