Sunday, April 30, 2006

Have We A Perica?

I am sitting here spending time on the internet just because I can. I find myself exhausting the internet, or at least my interest in it. Occasionally I find something to do on the World Wide Web that I haven't done before. Tonight I searched for people on Facebook with the last name Perica. Facebook fetched me at least ten people with the same last name as I have.

Perica, I don't truly know the origins of my name. I know that 99% of people slaughter the name in their pronounciation of it. Most of the time they sound so bad that it makes me lose faith in a human's ability to formulate noises by the combination of written letters they see before them. I'll stop digressing. The point I meant to make in this paragragh was, and still is, that I don't run into that many Pericas. In fact, I have never known another Perica that wasn't in my family. This seemed to change when I typed 'Perica' into the search field on Facebook.

I could only see the Pericas Facebook found in a very small picture, but I instantly felt like I was spying on members of my family that have been kept secret from me for years. It was a very weird feeling. The internet caught me again marveling at the information it can provide me with. I also felt an awkward happiness for these people. I don't know them, but dang they have a sexy last name.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My good man you must have some unknown relative far in your ancestral tree that came from the Balkans. You are in good company.