Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Master Debater

Some of you may have already voted, but for the millions of undecided voters (including myself), the last presidential debate is tonight. I am not going to pass it up.

I hope that it goes smoothly for Obama. I don't think either one of them will have some knockout performance, so, tonight should be similar to the last debate. However, if McCain brings up Ayers, which he says he will, I think he (McCain) becomes the loser. The country need not focus on that extremely loose affiliation between Ayers and Obama. That tactic is not going to win new votes for McCain, it is only going to strengthen his frantic base and as we have seen lately, those people don't need encouraging. See "Terrorist" "Treason" "Kill Him" "Obama Bin Laden".

Supposedly, there is this new McCain that is focusing on the issues, but that just doesn't seem to be the case most of the time when McCain is being interviewed. Watch this clip at TPM, McCain essentially is blaming ACORN for his possible defeat in Florida. Really.

I just don't see McCain wooing undecided voters this way. What I don't understand about McCain campaign tactics is that months ago there was this high road to take. I imagine (and that is what I have to do) this road would involve an issues-based dialogue and discussion between McCain and voters. There would never be a need for McCain attack dogs because McCain could have sold his whole candidacy on decades of experience, theoretically articulate plans for reversing poor economic trends and improving America's standing in the world, specifically the Middle East.

But McCain didn't take that road. The path McCain has taken is riddled with fear and saber rattling, much of which is done by an Arctic politician completely unqualified for office who represents the right's lame grab at Hillary supporters.

McCain's numbers are plummeting and tonight I think he might be left to wandering the floor, literally, much like the last debate.

*And as for the title of this post, how could I resist?

1 comment:

Rachel L. said...

Haha master debater.