Monday, September 10, 2007

Pick N Slave

I have been meaning to complain about this for a while. Here goes…

I think it a uniquely luxurious experience to have someone bag your groceries. I didn’t realize how much I took this for granted until I lived in the UK. Everyone bags their own groceries there. It wasn’t a hard job, but it sure is nice standing there watching someone else do the work. I am doing the tough part here. I did all the walking around the store. I made all those u-turns to go back to the produce section because I had forgotten something on the list. I snaked my way through every aisle, scanning top to bottom looking for parchment paper. I stretched. I crouched. I got on my tip-toes to see what was in the next aisle. I waited patiently for the elderly man to pick out what kind of Depends he wanted so I could get to the paper towels. And, I am spending the money here.

The least Pick N Save can do for me is to bag my groceries. They don’t. It’s simply un-American.

1 comment:

Jarrod Renaud said...

A guy I work with. I thought his blog was the best out there:)