Thursday, September 06, 2007

100 Things - The First 25

I have always liked lists, numbered lists specifically. In my brief past I have also enjoyed filling out surveys with questions like “What is your favorite book?” “Do you believe in God?” “Do you smoke after sex?” I find enjoyment in reading surveys filled out by acquaintances and friends, although, admittedly, not as much as I enjoy filling them out.

  1. People tell me I look like Nicholas Cage or Clive Owen. I don’t see it. I think I look like Bryce Perica.
  2. The first place I drove after getting my license was Taco Bell. Trey and I hopped in the Man Van and put some tunes on. We were in heaven.
  3. Excluding living in a dorm room, I have inhabited eight houses or apartments. Six with my family. One in college. One with Kate. One in L.A. and New Jersey. Three in Fort Collins. One in Longmont and Laramie. One in Wisconsin.
  4. I love New Belgium products. They cannot be found in Wisconsin.
  5. I didn’t kiss that many girls growing up.
  6. I can’t remember the name of my first kiss. I know it was sometime in Junior High.
  7. California used to be my top choice for places I wanted to live.
  8. I have puked only once from working out.
  9. I am good at saying “No.”
  10. Star Wars movies will always be my favorites.
  11. I prefer the original trilogy to the prequels, but I still enjoy the prequels.
  12. My favorite childhood toy was my trampoline.
  13. It wasn’t until my junior year in high school that I went to school with someone as tall as me.
  14. I constantly check myself for arrogance. I guess this means I have never wanted to carry with me an air of superiority for any reason, including my parents’ background, the size of my house, the cars we drive, the clothes I wear, the gadgets I have, the college I went to, the initials after my name, or the God I worship.
  15. Although I constantly check myself for arrogance, that doesn’t mean I never am that way. I know I have been arrogant before, but I try to keep those moments at bay.
  16. I know when I am not being cocky. When those moments coincide with other people being cocky my blood boils.
  17. With respect to guns and the murder rate, I want the US to be more like Canada.
  18. Even better, in that same respect, I want the US to be more like the UK.
  19. I first thought I was going to be a computer science major in college.
  20. I think we’ll move right back to Colorado next summer.
  21. It is also too early to say.
  22. My family won Family Feud. I wasn’t born yet.
  23. As often as I could when growing up I sneaked glances at the pages of Victoria’s Secret catalogs.
  24. I once swam 75 yards without breathing.
  25. I pulled an unconscious swimmer off the bottom of a pool after he tried going for 100 yards.

1 comment:

Rachel L. said...

Wow, thats a whole bunch of information I didn't know about you. Very informative. And pulling a swimmer off the bottom, stud. That's pretty cool.