Saturday, December 02, 2006

London - 2 Feb 06

2 February 2006 - Thursday

I am 23 years old tomorrow. The plan is to go out with the co-workers from MOM’s. It should be a fun time, with maybe some free drinks. My prediction, tomorrow won’t feel much like a birthday. How could it without a little pile of presents, cards, family, and cake? Bummer.

The Producers was a great show. Hopefully Kate and I will be able to go to it when she comes over here.

It is really cold here right now. I am not enjoying the weather at all…especially without a coat. I searched for one tonight, but of course the coats were short in the waist or short in the sleeves. Marvelous. I found a bag I would like to buy. It would be more comfortable than something on my back all day long.

I had an hour long conversation with Kate tonight. I miss her so much. Oh, and I am making last minute decisions now, but I should have my reservation for a trip to Israel by this time next week. I’ll be there during Holy Week. I fly back to London on Easter. I’ll be in London just over twelve hours before heading back to the US on April 17th.

My birthday over there didn’t feel much like a birthday because it was completely different than any celebration I had ever had, but it was one of the best. Being with new friends was awesome. I didn’t spend a penny on pints and probably had six. I did have some good chips and garlic mayo. Mm, garlic mayo, big fried chunks of potatoes, and a golden pint.

Kate and I wouldn’t see The Producers, but we got a good bit of everything else in while she was there. There is no use writing about it now because I wrote about it plenty after she left.

The London winter surprised me. Temperatures were very deceiving before I went over there. I wasn’t factoring in the dampening cold that London has. When I read 40 degrees on the weather report I naturally thought of the 40 degrees I knew, that 40 degrees is dry, not too windy, and definitely bearable with a sweatshirt. I didn’t bring a coat over there. That was a bad idea. Layers didn’t help that much until I bought some more clothes.

I did buy that bag I wrote of toward the beginning of this post. I wore it everyday from then on and still have it. It is a man purse, and I love it.

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