Tuesday, April 29, 2008

How You Find My Blog

I've recently noticed a spike in traffic to my blog. No, it is not because my daily readership is growing. No, it is not because more people are linking to my blog.

People find my blog because they search for the "goonies sequel". My post a while back on the subject is consistently in the top five results.

You search for "Qdoba hours" and you get this post on why Clinton is like Qdoba.

Maybe you are trying to find out if Starbucks has Italian sodas. If you google it, you'll find my page.

A lot of people must have questions about airplane exit-row seating. They find the rules here.

And a curious number google "McDonalds soda sizes" and find my page.

The rest of you link to my blog via one of the blogs on the right and some other blogs. If that's not you, then it is a direct link, mostly meaning, you actually are a regular. Thanks.

1 comment:

Becca said...

Those are funny searches! Does Google Analytics (or whatever you use) tell you I'm reading your blog through Google Reader? If not, just know that I do check that every day.