Friday, July 28, 2006

The Ledger of Your Decisions

Sister has a wedding to attend in December. She is a bridesmaid. The only ticket she could get for her flight to Colorado was for December 20th. She will stay here until the 26th. Her husband will not fly out. They will not spend Christmas together. Why? Dad reports, “They don’t want to spend the money.”

Sister corrects Dad on the phone, “We can’t spend the money.”

Brother remembers Sister buying a $328 Coach purse two weeks ago. The Coach purse was meant to alleviate the pain of Sister not getting a house in California. The purse didn’t ease the pain. A roundtrip flight to Colorado can easily be purchased for $328.

Sister has traded a Coach purse for a Christmas with Husband. So, what does the ledger of your decisions look like?

1 comment:

Rachel L. said...

maybe she can sell it. Ebay maybe?