I wish we got to spend more birthdays together. As it is today, the first day of your 24th year, like on so many other days, I feel like we are being pulled in opposite directions. To feel that way about a best friend is scary and disconcerting at times. I start to worry that we are growing apart. I worry that we will never live near each other again. I miss you by worrying. Which, I suppose, is silly, but that is my way.
After all we have been through and survived I should know better, but I think this year has been especially hard. I've missed being around you more this year than any other. And maybe I will miss you more next year than any year before. I'll probably deal with that by worrying, but we will still have our talks, our history, and our brotherhood, all of which helped me weather this year.
My wish for the future is that we will live near each other again, but above that, I wish for you a great year filled with hope, joys, challenges, and promise.
With that said, I hope our paths intertwine more in the next year than they did in the last.
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