Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Slice of Life in Farmington, New Mexico

My mom was in Milwaukee over the weekend. We had a great time, dined on fantastic food and had a Miller Time yesterday during the Miller Brewery Tour. Anyway, my mom is a great person, always bringing me little treats and gifts when she comes out to visit. She brought us a new game, called Bananagrams. It's a blast. She also brought out a few coasters for my collection. She brought Kate a small, Caribbean blue vase. This is debatable, but I think the best thing she brought out was a clipping from the newspaper in Farmington, New Mexico. The following passages are copied verbatim from The Daily Times, with the headlines first, and I must preface this hilarity with a longstanding opinion held by myself and many close to me, that the Olive Garden sucks. It isn't genuine Italian food. It isn't good. If a friend takes you to the Olive Garden on your birthday, or, for that matter, on any other day, that friend is no longer a friend. Olive Garden is the place for break-ups, not get togethers. The anomaly, which most people obviously don't grasp, is that they can make better Italian food at home with a box of pasta and a jar of Newman's Own Sockarooni Pasta Sauce and some freshly grated parmesan. But perhaps I am the naive one here for thinking pasta is something everyone can cook. I digress, to the breaking news:
The Wait Is Over
Olive Garden opening greeted by hundreds of hungry patrons

After years of anticipation, the wait is finally over and Olive Garden is open in Farmington.

The Italian restaurant opened on Memorial Day to hundreds of diners eager to enjoy the first dishes that Olive Garden General Manager, E------ L-------, and his staff could send out.


We want to make sure that the Olive Garden is a great place for families to come and get a genuine Italian dining experience.

Lining up at the front doors two hours before they opened at 4 p.m.....

....arrived in Farmington at 9:30 a.m. to see if they could get lunch, but were forced to drive around town for hours before joining the line...

Simultaneously, one of the funniest and most depressing few paragraphs I have read in a long time. The article in its entirety must not be missed. Follow this link.

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