The Bath Abbey was finished in 1499. I paid ₤3 to have a look inside. It was well worth it. I still think the practice of burying people under the church floor is a little odd. I find it distracting, or would find it that way if I were worshipping there. I took many pictures of the abbey. Napped more on the way back. Managed a good hour of sleep.
Planes were stacked up like stairs coming out of Heathrow and a dark London. Duck and Dive for drinks last night. Slept until 12 and find myself on a bench in Hyde Park writing now with one good hour of sunlight left. I look forward to more light and a little warmer weather in the coming months. Going to walk for a bit more now.

Bath was one of the prettiest places I saw during my time abroad. Pictures don’t do it justice, but I included some anyway. Someone told me that part of The Libertine was shot in Bath, but I haven’t seen that movie.
I looked for a way around paying the ₤3 to get into the Bath Abbey. There is a sign right after you go through the front door that says the payment isn’t mandatory, but I would have just felt horrible walking past the nice old man by the collection tray. It really was worth it though. The months never got warmer really. The media reported a lot on the late spring. At least by the time I left there were many more hours of daylight.
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