Sunday, September 11, 2005


Today was a busy, but relaxed day. I caught up on sleep from two nights ago and slept until 11. Megan and I began the day by organizing her classroom. She is excited to begin teaching and I am happy for her. I am skeptical of their future in California. I don't trust this place. Naturally, I am afraid of the crowd out here. I don't know why. Chicago is huge, but I am comfortable in the crowds there. I want the best for Megan and Colton and I just have a tough time believing California holds the best life for them. Is SoCal worth all the pains? You know where I stand.

Megan and I ventured down the 5 to La Jolla, a small beach community. It reminded me a little of Manhatten Beach. I like Manhatten more due to the sense of seclusion it gives me even though it is surrounded by city.

I spoke with Kate. I wish she was out here with me, but I know she needs the time at home with her family. It would be fun to be in SoCall with her to see what she thinks of it. I would love to get her take on things. Her heart is, and always will be with Chicago, in terms of big cities. She would never like it more out here. I would go as far to say that she would never live here or be that willing to try it out. That is fine with me!

Erik is watching the house while Mom and Dad are gone. They came home for a bit yesterday and found that he was sleeping in my bed still. I told him he could while I was away. I have enjoyed my time here and I am terribly excited for two more days, but I also look forward to the next three weeks at home with the guys before we all go back to college. I hope that time spawns blessed conversation, memories, closeness, and fellowship. I pray so.

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