Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Cribs: Milwaukee Edition
McDonald's New Soda Size
File this one under why are Americans obese? Why are there 4,100 new cases of Diabetes everyday? Or, simply, why I might have muffin top, a bingo wing, or back cleavage.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Cribs: Milwaukee Edition
Friday, July 27, 2007
Fish Fry First
When you go out to eat on Friday in
Tonight, we went all in on Beer Belly’s Restaurant. It was a draw.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
It is 7:39pm in Colorado
I am into brevity right now. Let’s get to it.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Quote of the Day
Russell Brooks, an Australian who rode his bike up the climb of the Aubisque before parking it to watch the racers travel by, disagrees, saying he believes doping should be allowed.
“Why not just let them take it?,” he asked. “As long as it’s only harmful to themselves, it should be okay. They’re only entertaining the public anyway.” And it is understandable, he said, given that teams require sponsorships to survive, and sponsors like to see their team gain victories.
“It’s the same thing at the club level back in Australia,” Brooks said. “Our club likes to get results so we can get a sponsorship for next year.” - The New York Times, July 25, 2007, By Edward Wyatt
What a fool.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Trip to Madison
I offered to drive with Kate today to
Saturday, July 21, 2007
A Walk in the Woods
*Thanks to Bill Bryson. I borrowed the title of a book of his for this post. It is a great one.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Wedding Day
When I look at pictures of the wedding day I feel like it was years ago or a big dream I had. Kate feels the same way. It was surreal. For four years we knew we were going to marry each other. Our eleven-month engagement was full of work, school, and crazy wedding planning especially in the last couple of months. Before long the week was upon us and Kate and I were struggling to slow things down and relax. I really started to worry that I would get caught up in the stress with Kate and then come out of it only to find that what was supposed to be the “best day of our lives”, according to everyone else, had passed us by while we were at the Marriott choosing the napkin color and fold.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
The Amtrak
To Rachel

Today is Rachel's birthday. This captivating image of her was taken the morning her steed (Travis) was leaving for Milwaukee with the moving crew.
I told Travis a few weeks ago that I have been surprised at the amount of growth our friendship has seen in the last year and a half. He is an amazing dude, but this isn't about him today. This is about Travis' honey bunches, Rachel.
Rachel might be the most consistent reader of this blog. I discovered that before I even could remember her last name. Sorry, Rachel. Apparently she likes what I say on here. That is both cool and shocking. Yeah, someone likes this blog. Wow, someone likes this blog. I don't know the Rachel of the past. I know the Rachel of the present, the Rachel that went off to college on a golf scholarship, tore it up out there, won a conference title, got everything in her house stolen from her, started a blog herself, and has tried to follow God with every step.
I am excited to know the Rachel of the future. Hear, hear!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Today in Wisconsin
He ends up needing help.
Boats and a helicopter aren't enough to pull the man out of the river. The rescue workers must tie three canoes together in order to save the man.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Blog the Wedding
That's it. I wanted to let you know that I have been thinking about it. It is just not at the blogging phase. Maybe it will be tomorrow.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
The Untouchables
I have actually had some time to read this week, not much time, but enough to get caught up through a couple of back issues of Time. Rupert Murdoch recently made the July 9 cover. The article was an eye-opener for me. I knew he was a media mogul but I didn’t know that he alone owns 100 newspapers. Anyway, we all know who the guy is.
Friday, July 13, 2007
The Move
leave the U-Haul once. He was kind enough to introduce me to Immortal Technique, a Peruvian-born NYC rapper, who has a lot of educating to do through arrogant and angry words. I enjoyed perusing through his lyrics and the rest of Mr. Nicoletti’s fine music collection. There was one album missing from his library though. Luckily, the self-titled Good Charlotte album was in the Maxima, still written onto the Seattle Doulos copy that saw at least 50 spins on that trip. Chris rocked out to that throwback piece of noise a lot.
d lining the walls of every room.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
We got hooked up to the World Wide Web tonight.